Community Bulletin Board
Find community-wide flyers and links here.
Pre-Employment Transition Services Program (Pre-ETS):
The Pre-ETS program continues to provide students to any students who meet the following criteria:
Students between the ages of 14 – 21.
Students who are enrolled in an educational setting (secondary school, homeschool, GED, training program or college/university).
Students who have a documented disability including but not limited to an IEP, 504 plan, medical diagnosis or mental health diagnosis.
Students who are not yet open with ACCES-VR but may be potentially eligible in the future.
Our service areas are job exploration counseling, post-secondary options, self-advocacy training, workplace readiness skills development and work-based learning experiences.
To enroll a student or group of students, please send me an email to setup scheduling. Please have the student’s guardians complete the attached referral form prior to the start of services. I have included our menu of services and program overview for your review.
Disability Mentoring Day:
On October 10th, ACCES-VR will be hosting an opportunity for students to mentor in a variety of different areas throughout Monroe County.
Person Centered Services:
PCS is hosting two free webinars for Special Education Staff to learn about their referral process and Health Home Care Coordination. Please see information below:
Topic: Person Centered Services Referral Process
(OPWDD & Health Home Care Coordination knowledge required to attend)
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Time: 12:00-12:45pm
Location: Microsoft Teams
Registration Link:
Topic: What is Health Home Care Coordination?
Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Time: 12:00-1:00pm
Location: Microsoft Teams
Registration Link:
Open House – Employment Services:
On October 11th, Ontario ARC is hosting an open house with the following agencies to share information on employment services that may benefit your students. Agencies will be OPWDD, Workforce Development, ACCES-VR, Pre-ETS at Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES and Ontario ARC.